Project 4: Mental Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle

Adolescent lifestyles, psychological wellbeing and health

PI: Prof Rebecca P Ang

Co-PI(s): Prof Kenneth K Poon, Prof John C K Wang, Dr Fannie K H Khng, Dr Ser Hong Tan, and Dr Choon Guan Lim

Project Objectives

The overall project objective is to examine the psychological wellbeing, lifestyles, and physical and mental health correlates and outcomes of secondary school students as they progress from early-adolescence to mid-adolescence.

Study Focus

  • The individual, parent, peer, and school factors related to adolescent wellbeing and lifestyles for different groups of students, will be studied cross-sectionally, and tracked longitudinally.
  • Stability and change in adolescent trajectories of key constructs of interest will be investigated.
  • Sources of stress (e.g., school adjustment, test anxiety, bullying etc) in relation to sources of support and coping will be examined.

Key Constructs of Interest

Adolescent wellbeing, mental and physical health
Adolescent lifestyles

(e.g., social media use and addiction, sports, entertainment and other activities, sleep, risky behavior and experiences etc)

Anxiety, depression, and high sensitivity
School adjustment and test anxiety

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DREAMS @ The Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC)

Our research team will be presenting at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) on 29 and 30 May. If you are attending the conference, we hope you can join us as we share more about our Year 1 findings....

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