Project 2: Self-Identity & Agency

Self-Beliefs, Motivation, and Sociocontextual Experiences

PI: Assoc Prof Gregory Arief D LIEM

Co-PI(s): Assoc Prof Woon Chia LIU, Dr Lu-Ming Trivina KANG, Dr Chee Yeen Melvin CHAN, Dr Ser Hong TAN

Project Objectives

To examine
A) the changes in students’ self-concepts and motivation in Math/ English and their perceived sociocultural factors across the first four secondary school years, and
B) the contributions of changes in the students’ perceived sociocontextual factors to changes in their self-concepts and motivation in Math/English in the four secondary school years.

Study Focus

The main objectives (a) and (b) will be addressed among students in the full subject-based banding (FSBB) and ability streaming systems to reveal potential differences and similarities between the two grouping systems as we transition between one system to the other.
  • This study compares the similarities and differences between streaming systems (e.g., FSBB and other ability streaming systems?)
  • The study focuses on students’ motivations, perceptions, and environments in relation to the core subjects of Math and English.

Key Constructs of Interest

Students’ motivation in each of the core subjects (Math or English) including
  • theories of ability (incremental or fixed),
  • achievement goals (performance-approach or personal best), and
  • behavioral regulation (controlled or autonomous)
Students’ perceptions of sociocontextual experiences and environments including
  • their perceived teachers’ and parents’ academic expectations,
  • autonomy support,
  • Social and individualized comparisons in Math’s or English,
  • perceived general satisfaction of their psychological basic needs (competence, autonomy, relatedness)

Latest Updates

Project 1, Project 2

Straits Times: Teacher-parent partnership important in motivating secondary school students

SINGAPORE – When parents and teachers communicate and work together, students feel more supported and motivated in their studies. This is according to the findings of two studies by the National Institute of Education (NIE) released in May about how parents and teachers impact students’ academic motivation. Dr Wong Zi Yang, an NIE research fellow, led one study to understand how support from parents and teachers, which allowed students to make their own choices and...

Lead Project, Project 1, Project 2, Project 3, Project 4, Project 5, Project 6, Project 7

DREAMS @ The Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC)

Our research team will be presenting at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) on 29 and 30 May. If you are attending the conference, we hope you can join us as we share more about our Year 1 findings....

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