SingTeach: Adolescence: Exploring the Second Window of Opportunity and Risk

The adolescent years are important for several reasons as they represent a period of significant changes that shape an individual’s future. Dean of Office of Education Research at NIE and Conference Convenor of Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) 2024, Professor Kenneth Poon, seeks to bring forth certain factors that may impact the growth and development of adolescents in Singapore through a recently launched MOE-commissioned research project – called DREAMS – that follows 7,000 adolescents throughout their 4-year journey in secondary schools. This article is based on his keynote address titled “DREAMS, a Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in Secondary Schools: Insights from Students in Secondary One” at the RPIC 2024.

Zaobao: 国立教育学院开展新研究 关注青少年青春期变化和发展


DREAMS School Leaders Sharing

On 19 March, our Principal and Co- Investigators presented preliminary findings from our 7 sub-projects to over 100 principals & leaders from schools around Singapore.