When will you share your findings?

We will regularly share our study findings through various channels (eg. tip sheets, blog posts, social media updates, academic publications, and presentations etc.) throughout the duration of the study. The best way to stay up to date is by following us on Instagram or Facebook.

How are you protecting participants’ privacy/data?

The DREAMS research team takes our responsibility as guardians of participants’ information very seriously. We have several procedures in place to keep your data and privacy secure and protected. DREAMS has approval and oversight from the NTU Institutional Review Board (IRB), ensuring compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). The NTU-IRB ensures the protection of human subjects involved […]

What happens if I don’t complete the surveys?

Opting out of any surveys will not affect your relationship with the National Institute of Education or Ministry of Education or impact any ongoing assessment/grades. You may skip any questions you do not wish to answer.

Why is my child a part of this study?

Your child was invited to this study either as a part of the 2023 Secondary 1 cohort of one of the 28 schools selected for this study, or as a current participant of the SKIP(-UP) study.