The research team presented our Year 1 findings at the Redesigning Pedagogy International Conference (RPIC) on 29 and 30 May. Lead Principal Investigator Professor Kenneth Poon presented a keynote speech (“DREAMS, a Longitudinal Study of Adolescents in Secondary Schools: Insights from Students in Secondary 1”) on the importance of adolescent development and officially announced the launch of the 4-year project. Each of our sub-projects presented 10 papers across 3 symposiums.

Symposium 1: Drivers, Enablers and Pathways of Adolescent Development in Singapore: Career Choices, Self Beliefs, Friendship Networks, and Well/Ill-Being
Date/Time: 29 May, 1400-1530
Venue: NIE Block 3 LT8 (Level 1)
> Career Preparation of Lower Secondary School Students: Preliminary Insights on the Clarity of Career Choices, their associated antecedents and psychosocial correlates (Dr. Melvin Chan)
> Perceived Social Contexts of Student Motivation and Well-Being (Assoc Prof. Gregory Arief D Liem)
> Examining the Similarities and Differences in Students’ Friendship Networks across Different School Ecosystems in Singapore: A Social Network Perspective (Dr. Liu Wei Cheng & Ms. Nur Qamarina Binte Ilham on behalf of Dr. Imelda Caleon)
> Examining Factors Associated with Adolescent Wellbeing and Ill-being (Dr. Ser Hong Tan on behalf of Prof. Rebecca Ang)
Symposium 2: Drivers, Enablers and Pathways of Adolescent Development in Singapore: A focus on the Influence of Middle Childhood, Students with Special Educational Needs, and Students from Low Income Environments
Date/Time: 29 May, 1600-1730
Venue: NIE Block 3 LT8 (Level 1)
> School Adjustment and Wellbeing in the Transition from Primary to Secondary School—Self-Regulation and Other Predictors Near the End of Primary School (Dr. Khng Kiat Hui, Fannie)
> A Focus on Secondary Students with Special Educational Needs (Prof. Kenneth Poon)
> Navigating Educational Trajectories: Profiling and Strategizing for Equity among Financial At-risk (FAR) Adolescents in Singapore (Asst Prof. Azilawati Jamaludin & Dr. Ser Hong Tan)
Symposium 3: “My Parents and Me” Exploring the Dynamics of Parental Autonomy Support, Expectation, and Involvement in Shaping Students’ Academic and Non-Academic Outcomes
Date/Time: 30 May, 1130-1300
Location: NIE Block 3 LT8 (Level 1)
>The Role of Perceived Parental Academic Expectations in Motivation and Well-Being: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study (Assoc Prof. Gregory Arief D Liem)
> Associations between Parents’ and Teachers’ Autonomy Support and Academic Motivation: A Short-Term Cross-Lagged Analysis (Dr. Zi Yang Wong)
> Profiles of Parent Support and its Association with Students’ Psychosocial Outcomes (Dr. Melvin Chan)